.. singlet documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Aug 8 11:15:11 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: _static/logo.png :width: 150 :alt: t-SNE example singlet ======= Single cell RNA-Seq analysis with quantitative phenotypes. Tutorial -------- Please follow this link_ to learn how to use singlet. Requirements ------------ Python 3.4+ is required. Moreover, you will need: - `pyyaml `_ - `numpy `_ - `scipy `_ - `pandas `_ - `xarray `_ - `scikit-learn `_ Optional requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `matplotlib `_ - `seaborn `_ - `numba `_ - `umap `_ - `lshknn `_ - `loompy `_ Get those from pip, conda, or any other source. Install ------- To get the latest **stable** version, use pip:: pip install singlet To get the latest **development** version, clone the git repo and then call:: python3 setup.py install Usage example ------------- You can have a look inside the `test` folder for examples. To start using the example dataset: - Set the environment variable `SINGLET_CONFIG_FILENAME` to the location of the example YAML file - Open a Python/IPython shell and type: .. code-block:: python from singlet.dataset import Dataset ds = Dataset( samplesheet='example_sheet_tsv', counts_table='example_table_tsv') ds.counts = ds.counts.iloc[:200] vs = ds.dimensionality.tsne( n_dims=2, transform='log10', theta=0.5, perplexity=0.8) ax = ds.plot.scatter_reduced_samples( vs, color_by='quantitative_phenotype_1_[A.U.]') plt.show() This will calculate a t-SNE embedding of the first 200 features and then show your samples in the reduced space. It should look like this: .. image:: _static/example_tsne.png :width: 600 :alt: t-SNE example .. note:: The figure looks different on OSX, but no worries, if you got there without errors chances are all is working correctly! Contents ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: examples config api Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _link: tutorial